ISCA Medallion Winners!

Aurora students participated in the Fall/Winter Indigenous Games, and our Thunderbirds represented well, receiving medallions from @indigenoussportcouncilofalberta
Your winners are:
Basketball |
2nd place |
Tatum Coutney |
3rd place |
Jayla Moller |
Kneel Jump |
1st place |
Tatum Coutney |
3rd place |
Alexis Holden |
Screaming Eagle |
1st place |
Kale Bereton |
2nd place |
Zaidyn Abraham |
3rd place |
Nixon Calliou |
1st place |
Keasha Cardinal |
2nd place |
Cameron Campbell |
2nd place |
Emma Desjarlais |
3rd place |
Alexis Holden |
Strong Person Carry |
1st place |
Brauc Bourque |
1st place |
Dana-rae Laboucane |
2nd place |
Micki Berland |
3rd place |
Alexis Holden |
Alberta Wide Top 3 Finishers
Screaming Eagle |
1st place |
Kale Bereton |
2nd place |
Zaidyn Abraham |
3rd place |
Nixon Calliou |
1st place |
Keasha Cardinal |
2nd place |
Cameron Campbell |
2nd place |
Emma Desjarlais |
3rd place |
Alexis Holden |
Basketball |
2nd place |
Tatum Coutney |
3rd place |
Jayla Moller |
Strong Person Carry |
1st place |
Brauc Bourque |
1st place |
Dana-rae Laboucane |
2nd place |
Miki Berland |
3rd place |
Alexis Holden |
Kneel Jump |
1st place |
Tatum Coutney |
2nd place |
Alexis Holden |