Safe Return to School

This is a notice to the families of Aurora Middle School. All NLPS schools will be reopening with a staggered start. Students with a surname beginning with the letters A through J will have their first day of school Tuesday September 1st; all students with surname beginning with letters K through Z will have their first day of school on Wednesday September 2nd. All students may attend starting Thursday September 3, going forward. We are organizing our start-up this way so our staff can better facilitate student learning of the new routines and practices that will help support a safe re-entry for students and staff. If your family has students with varied start dates because of different last names, contact the school and we can arrange all students in your family group to start on the same day that is more convenient for you.
You will notice many changes that are part of our larger re-entry plan; these plans will build layers of safety for our students and staff, with the focus on reducing risk to our school community. Our protocols are guided by the advice of the province’s Chief Medical Officer in conjunction with Alberta Education guidelines. As a result, we will be implementing strict practices and protocols to keep your family safe. Some adjustments will include family groups in busing, as well as changes to drop-off and pick-up routines, class cohorting, strict entry protocols such as mandatory masking for all staff, students, and visitors, increased supervision, daily self-screening questionnaires, social distancing of 2 meters, enhanced daily cleaning and disinfecting protocols, a focus on hygiene guidelines for staff and students, sanitizer stations, 2-meter distance markers, one-way directional signage, modifications to cafeteria services and lunch and recess routines and more. Detailed information will be provided to families before the first day of classes on Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2020. We believe that with these precautions in place, we can provide excellent educational opportunities for our students. Our top priority is the health, safety, and well-being of your family, and we look forward to seeing our students again!